New data on the distribution of Cteipolia murina (Ménétriés, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Xylenini)
Titov S.V., Gorbunov P.Yu., Černila M., Matov A. Yu., Volynkin A.V.
Ecologica Montenegrina 71: 269-283 (2024)
New data on the distribution of the poorly known Noctuidae species, Cteipolia murina (Ménétriés, 1848) is provided, the species is reported from West, Central, Northeast, and the northern Southeast Kazakhstan, and its female genitalia are illustrated and diagnosed for the first time. The authorship of the species is discussed. The similar species, Cteipolia isotima Püngeler, 1914 is reported from East Kazakhstan (Saur-Tarbagatai massif) for the first time. Adults, male and female genitalia and habitats of both species are illustrated.
Analysis of environment use and behavior of Bubo bubo in the Western Tien Shan, Shakpak pass using GPS/GSM telemetry
Berdikulov B.T., Gavrilov A.E., Song Gang, Akentyeva Ye. V.
Вестник КазНУ. Серия экологическая 78 (1): 100-108 (2024)
The study focuses on the habitat use and behavioral characteristics of the Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) at Shakpak Pass, located in the Western Tien Shan. This work is the first detailed research on the spatial behavior and habitat use of this species in this vital migratory corridor. The goal was to map the tagged Eurasian eagle-owl’s range, identify habitat preferences, and analyze behavioral adaptations using a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative GPS tracking with qualitative behavioral observations.
The findings show the eagle owl’s significant localization of movements, demonstrating its attachment to specific nesting and hunting territories. The analysis reveals the eagle owl’s capacity to adapt to various hunting and roosting habitats, indicating a high degree of ecological plasticity. Distinct diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns were identified, highlighting the owl’s specific hunting times and preferred habitats, ranging from open areas to rugged terrains.
The temperature analysis and daily activity tracking over nine days show that the eagle owl is more active at lower temperatures, particularly at sunset and dawn, with peak activity periods from 7 pm to 11 pm and during dawn hours from 4 am to 7 am. This research provides valuable insights into the behavioral ecology of the Eurasian eagle-owl. The findings hold practical significance for avian ecology and conservation science and can be useful for future research in the Tien Shan and analogous ecosystems.
Паразитофауна джейрана (Gazella subgutturosa Guldenstadt, 1780)
Сулейменов М.Ж., Беркинбай О., Омаров Б.Б.
Теория и практика борьбы с паразитарными болезнями 25: 394-398 (2024)
В статье представлены данные исследований кишечных паразитов джейранов, обитающих на территории государственного национального природного парка «Алтын-Эмель». В ГНПП у джейранов выявлено 6 видов паразитов, в т. ч. 1 вид эймерий: E. elegans, 1 вид цестод: Avitellina centripunctata и 4 вида нематод: Setaria labiatopapillosa, Nematodirus gazellae, Nematodirella gazellae, Trichocephalus skrjabini. Зараженность джейранов эймериями составила 37,5%, при интенсивности инвазии 11±3 ооцист. 12,5% джейранов инвазированы авителлинами, от каждого животного находили по два яйца цестод. Нематодирами заражены 25,0% животных, интенсивность инвазии нематодами составила 19±7 яйц. Нематодиреллами также инвазированы 25,0% джейранов, однако интенсивность инвазии была меньше 7±2 яйца. Инвазированность животных трихоцефалами составил 37,5%, при интенсивности инвазии 9±3 яйца. На серозных оболочках кишечника, печени, поджелудочной железы и диафрагмы были найдены 23 экземпляра сетарии. Эймерий (Eimeria elegans) строго специфична и паразитирует только на джейранах. Цестода (Avitellina centripunctata) и нематоды (Setaria labiatopapillosa, Nematodirus gazellae, Nematodirella gazellae, Trichocephalus skrjabini) не являются специфическими видами, они встречаются у других диких и домашних животных. Роль джейрана в распространении гельминтозов сельскохозяйственных животных незначительна. Во-первых, численность джейранов небольшая, они обитают на труднодоступных ограниченных участках пастбищ и не совершают непрерывных миграций. Во-вторых, гельминтофауна газелей беднее по сравнению с гельминтофауной домашних животных.
Distribution and ecology of Rock Pigeons (Columba Livia) in urban environments of Kazakhstan
Berdikulov B.T., Gavrilov A.E., Bekbenbetov S.K.
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Биологиялық ғылымдар сериясы 147 (2): 45-57 (2024)
This study examines the distribution and ecology of feral pigeons (Columba livia) in urban areas of Kazakhstan. Despite their global presence, feral pigeons have received limited attention from researchers. Understanding their distribution and ecological characteristics is crucial for managing their impact on urban ecosystems and assessing their potential as environmental indicators.
This study employs open eBird data to analyse the occurrence and distribution of feral pigeons in major cities of Kazakhstan, particularly in Almaty and Astana. Data spanning from 2007 to 2021 provide insights into their distribution in these urban areas. The study assesses the percentage of occupied regions and the extent of their range, providing information about the degree of their presence.
The findings suggest that feral pigeons are permanent residents in Kazakhstan and may exhibit migratory behavior. They have a stable and wide distribution, occupying various urban habitats. The study identifies areas with high concentrations of feral pigeons, indicating preferred locations within the cities.
The findings of this study highlight the necessity for continued monitoring and research to elucidate the distribution patterns and potential as bioindicators of environmental pollution in anthropogenic landscapes. The obtained data can serve as a basis for managing and creating sustainable and harmonious urban ecosystems that support the diversity of bird species.
Main results of bird ringing (banding) in the Western Tien Shan in the 21st century (2001-2023)
Tashimova A., Akentyeva Ye., Gavrilov A, Berdikulov B., Zaripova S.
BIO Web Conf. 100: 04002 (2024)
This article presents the results of bird ringing in the Western Tien Shan from 2001 to 2023 Methods for tagging and studying the migration routes, biology and ecology of birds are described, including catching and ringing, studying morphometric parameters, tagging with GPS/GSM transmitters, and visual surveys. Data are presented on the number of marked orders, species and individuals of birds for the specified period. In the period from 2001 to 2023, the most numerous species of birds were identified, as well as rare species that were able to be marked. The timing of autumn and spring migrations has been established, and the peaks and deadlines for bird migration have been identified. Some results of bird tagging with trackers are presented as well. This article also contains information about the meeting of ringed birds and the return of rings from different countries. Ecological and geographical connections of some bird species flying along the foothills of the Western Tien Shan have been established.
Balkhash-Alakol Basin animal world database creation process for the purpose of cadastre maintenance
Morozov V., Zhyman M., Chirikova M., Yashchenko R.
BIO Web Conf. 100: 04005 (2024)
This paper describes the database (DB) development process of the cadastre of the fauna of the Balkhash-Alakol Basin that will be used for analyzing the spatial and temporal dynamics of population status and the graphical display of spatial data. The data was organized using the methods of relational database organization (SQL) with sets of individual criteria adapted for different groups of animals (parasitofauna, malacofauna, arachnofauna, entomofauna, ichthyofauna, herpetofauna, ornithofauna, and theriofauna). This database considers several additional technical aspects of its further integration with other databases, for example, geographical, climatic, etc., which allows for a deep analysis of the relationship between various environmental factors and population dynamics. For the functioning of the user interface, server architecture, and program interface, an application on the Django framework was developed, which simplified the processes of software development and allowed specialists to flexibly adapt the database to the own needs and project goals while simultaneously increasing the autonomy, security, and stability of the database.